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Ken's Study Journey Reminder:

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My 2023 Study Plan, Goals, Decorations and Public Resources Update

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By: Ken Deng   Published on 1 Jan. 2023

Approx. 1600 words, 7 mins

2022 is coming to the end and I have made my study plan🗓️, daily goals and final goals🏆, decoration 🏡 and resources updates 📚 for the brand-new 2023.

Ken's Study Journey was founded in 2019 and used to be a simple personal blog📑 when I was in junior high school🏫, but then it has become functional🛠️ with some free PDF resources📁 and Study Planner🗓️.

Since 2019, I was favoured and praised👍 by parents and teachers, being featured by some schools🏫 and educational institutions🏢.

Goodbye 2022! Hello 2023! In 2023, I will make Ken's Study Journey even much better for you.

2023 is Coming, Are you Ready? Yes! Let's go!

2022 Reflections

In 2022, I have had a huge sense of achievement.

🏅 Achievements

  • 🔬 EPQ A*
  • 📝 4a in AS Exam (plus an A* in A2 maths)
  • 📚 IELTS 7.0 (6.0 per component)
  • ✉️ Invitation to interview by some universities
  • ✉️ Invited by my IELTS School to share my experience for getting such invitations (View Article)
  • 🥇 Top 1 in school apartment decoration competitions
  • 📅 Over 30 users on my Study Planner Online Tool

📈 Improvements

  • 📖 Basic listening, reading and comprehension skills
  • 📣 Communication and collaboration skills
  • 🏡 Bedroom decorations and study environments

🪄 Study Methodology Inventions

  • 🏞️ “Great Study Habits are Productive” Slogan and Posters
  • 📄 Knowledge Boards (school only)
  • 🏡 Ideal Study Environment Assumptions
  • 🎖️ A* Motivational Banner and Background
  • 📅 Events Days Left Boards
  • 🍫 Slogans
    • A* Flies to the Sky, Making your Future Bright!
    • Great Study Habits are Productive
    • Do your Tasks at a Steady Rate,
      Do Not Rush/Cram,
      Do Not Leave Too Many Tasks until Deadline.

🔍 Realisation

During the 3-year history🕰️ from 2019, I have done a lot of things📝, but I finally realised many beneficial✅ aspects at the end of 2022.

Teaching Others

I have been discovering and sharing knowledge🌌 in real life to explain phenomena since 2019, but I finally realised that this is similar to Teaching Others.

Sharing Knowledge on WeChat Moments (Chinese, 2019-2020)


I have programmed Ken's Study Planner web app🖥️ in 2021 and opened for registration to the public🌎 for free, but I finally realised that this is similar to volunteering.

Ken's Study Planner Home Page

Ken's Study Planner Home Page

Boost Drawing Skills

I have been drawing and sticking "Great Study Habits are Productive" posters🏞️ in 2022, but I finally realised that this can boost my drawing, designing and art skills.

My Great Study Habits are Productive Posters

2023 Daily Goals

I have been setting my daily goals 🏆 from 2020 to motivate myself✨ to finish certain necessary tasks📝.

Recently, I have also updated my daily goals, but there were no major changes 📝 from my 2022 daily goals. I only simplified the language of each goal.

  1. 💡 Use Active Recall to recall learned knowledge points
  2. 📒 Remember at least 10 English words and get Quizlet Study Streak
  3. 📒 Use at least 10 English words Remembered Recently
  4. 💬 Use at least 2 Idioms while Speaking English
  5. 📣 Speak English for at least 200 sentences
  6. ✍️ Write English for at least 400 sentences
  7. 📚 Read academic books/articles for at least 15 minutes and 1 chapter
  8. 📚 Read English books, articles and news for at least 15 minutes and 1 chapter
  9. 🎧 Listen to English audio for at least 30 minutes *
  10. 📹 Watch English videos/vlogs without captions for at least 30 minutes *
  11. 📣 Practise English (IELTS) Speaking for at least 2 topics
  12. 💬 Chat with at least 3 friends using English
  13. 🎧 Be mindful of Pronunciation and Fluency while Listening (80%)
  14. 📣 Be mindful of Speed, Pronunciation and Fluency while Speaking (80%)
  15. ➡️ Walk for at least 500 Kcal and Close Apple Watch Move ring
  16. 🚴‍♀️ Take exercise for at least 30 minutes and Close Apple Watch Exercise ring
  17. 🧍‍♀️ Stand for at least 12 hours Close Apple Watch Stand ring
  18. 🚶 Walk for at least 10,000 steps

* Goals marked * May be Unachievable at School

2023 Final Goals

  1. 📈 Reach offer conditions for universities with offers received.
  2. 🎖️ A Level Exam: 4A* (+ 3A*, already got an A* on Maths)
  3. 📚 IELTS: 7.5 (7.0 per component)
  4. 🥈 STEP 2: 2

Resources Updates

I have made some updates to my public resources, including my website and Study Planner, to enhance your user experience.

1. Font Change

Firstly, I have changed the font on my public resources, desktop backgrounds and posters.

2. Simplified Language

In 2019, I made this website and my public resource 🌍 and started writing articles📑.

However, in my previous articles and pages, the text could be very long and some content might be unnecessary.

So, from 2022, I have been simplifying the language📗 on my website and Study Planner. In 2023, I will simplify more sentences on my resources.

3. Use Emojis 😀

By observing other websites, blogs and vlog channels, some emojis😀 sandwiched in the long text can help me understand them easily.

So, from 2023, I will start using emojis on my articles📑 and videos🎥 to help students understand and demystify my content.

4. Simplified Agreements

On major websites and apps, including my website, there are Terms of Service (ToS) and Privacy Policy 📑 which describe and shed light on the data and privacy protection process🛡️ and the rules📄 of using the services.

In 2022, my public resources, plus some other study-related websites🖥️, were attacked by some students in a school, using spam/negative comments💬 and even (D)DoS attack🖇️, which are against the Terms of Service🚫 on major websites.

Did you Know?

Ken's Study Journey not only complies with relevant laws and regulations but also becomes friendly to you and be a service provider you enjoy.

After receiving prohibited comments💬, I send a friendly email📩 indicating exactly which rules were violated and how to correct them. As shown:

My Reminder Email (Fictitious Example)

My Reminder Email (Fictitious Example)

I did not block the school's IP address🚫 but instead gave criticism and education🏫. Then, the attacks and misbehaviours were stopped🛑 and they started posting positive✅ comments. This is what I appreciate.

View my Notice

Unlike other websites and apps where you can be banned🚫 after the first violation, I never ban any users or accounts but instead patiently lead them into the right direction✅.

I also encourage students to have "Trial-and-Error 🔬" and "Reflective 🤔" strategies, so they can try to correct their content💬 as many times as they need on my public resources.

Some students are not reading such agreements📔 but instead directly click the "Agree ✅" button and then violate them. I guess that they may have limited reading📖 skills and so they may be too long to read📚.

So, I have made a simplified version✨ of the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for 2023.

Ken's Study Journey welcomes and appreciates students with Trial-and-Error and Reflective strategies. I will not penalise you if you are trying to correct your errors. However, I do not appreciate repeated violations without any corrections.

5. Study Planner 3.0

The next one is my updated Study Planner 3.0 📅.

On Planner 3.0, I have made the font on the Days Left larger📒 and you can set your projects📚 or events📅 to Date Uncertain.

Ken's Study Planner 3.0 Projects

Ken's Study Planner 3.0 Projects

You can now set your own thresholds for the days left of orange and red colours. It is no longer fixed at 7 days (orange) and 3 days (red).

Changing Days Left Colour Thresholds

Changing Days Left Colour Thresholds

You also can associate your events recorded on Ken's Study Planner with your system calendar (e.g. iCloud, Google, Outlook Calendar) using subscription links in ICS (iCalendar) format.

"I display the days left and you can combine with your other events and show them all together on your calendar."

Calendar Subscription on macOS

Calendar Subscription on macOS

More importantly, I also have introduced Content Encryption🔐 which will be explained below.

Learn More     Sign Up (Free)

6. Security Updates

Apart from the breathtaking interface🏞️ and patient personality✅, I have also made some updates to give you a sense of security🛡️.

The first one is Content Encryption🔐 where your sensitive data, especially your email and IP addresses, is being further encrypted on my servers.

Study Planner Content Encryption

Study Planner Content Encryption

Related Knowledge

Discover Knowledge in Real Life - My “Tradition” from 2019

Discovering🔍, applying🔬 and sharing📤 knowledge in real life can help me remember knowledge firmly, teach others and explain real-life phenomena.

This is my invented🌟 study tip in 2019 in middle school. It used to be available in WeChat Moments (among friends) only.

Since 2021, I started inserting knowledge, whether learned in middle school, high school or university, in Green Boxes in my articles📄.

Here, I discovered A Level Computer Science (9618) knowledge: Encryption

Encryption🔐 is to make data in an unreadable (meaningless) format using encryption keys🔑 (e.g. 123456 => 49ba59abbe56e057) to ensure Data Security. Hackers are not able to understand the encrypted content🔒.

Symmetric encryption is to use the same key🔑 for encryption and decryption, but asymmetric encryption is to use a Private Key🔑, which is available only to the recipient, for decryption and a Public Key🗝️, which is available to the public, for encryption.

Then is the upgraded HTTP header. I have changed the server name🪪 and, by the way, added the Server-Node header.

Apart from unnecessary ports blocked before, I have also blocked🚫 Port 21, 22 and 3389 on my servers to prevent hackers🧑🏻‍💻.

Server: Ken Deng's Server Server-Node: CN01

New content now uses discrete random IDs🪪 on the server database📦 instead of continuous numbers🔗 with Auto Increment.

This also avoids the issue of data mis-synchronisation among different servers🗃️.


While using my services, if you need help❓, experience bugs⚙️ or see something unusual⚠️ at any point, you can contact me📩 and I am here to help you.

Last but not least, from 2023, my website will start displaying the approximate locations📍 (State/Province, Country) beside the comments💬, based on the IP addresses🌎, to further prevent spam/negative content. It can also give convenience to readers to know others.

This is similar to major Chinese Internet services.

Displaying IP Address Locations on Comments

Displaying IP Address Locations on Comments

7. Performance Enhancements

From 2021, I have been making Ken's Study Journey not only safer🛡️ but also faster💨.

In 2021, as part of my EPQ project📄, I tried to enable IPv6🌐, HTTP/2🍃 and load-balancing⚖️, etc. on my website🖥️.

Now, all of my servers have IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack📚, supporting the latest technology development🔭.

On the Planner 3.0, I have now enabled FastCGI (FPM)📤 module to further enhance the performance💨 on the HTTP/2 protocol.

Did you Know?

Under the rapid technology development🔭, I strongly attach importance🔺 to IPv6 on websites.

On my website, the "IPv6" icon beside the logo turns green when you are using IPv6-enabled networks. It remains blue if your network does not currently have IPv6 support.

My Website's IPv6 Icons (from my EPQ Dissertation)

My Website's IPv6 Icons (from my EPQ Dissertation)

8. Content Licensing

In 2023, I changed the copyright license on my content.

On some study resources, including my posters, banners, slogans and templates, I will grant Creative Commons (CC) BY-NC-SA license🪪 instead of reserving all rights.

This means you are allowed✅ to change📝 and/or redistribute📨 them for free without my permission, but you may need to link back to my website (source) and include "from Ken's Study Journey" while redistributing or re-publishing.

CC BY-NC-SA License

CC BY-NC-SA License

Decoration Updates

The last update is my home decorations🏡.

Comparing with my decorations in 2022, I have added more flowers🌷, fairy lights🌟 and Study Habits posters🏞️ in my balcony 🏘️.

I also have added some light-reflecting stars🌟, representing the stars (*) on A*, on the roof as well as a remote control🎛️ holder🗂️ on the wall to improve the overall appearance.

My A* Imagination

My A* Imagination

My Bedroom Remote Control Holder and Stars

My Bedroom Balcony Garden

Have a Great 2023!

2023 is started. It's time to Make Reflections🤔 for 2022 and Plans, Goals and Preparations for the brand-new 2023.

Start preparing▶️ now and have a better new year🧧.

These are my 2023 updates and hope you enjoy your brand-new 2023! Ken's Study Journey will be better with you.

More useful study techniques and habits are available on my website. You can Explore More Study Tips if you want.

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1. Related Knowledge displayed in this article is for ease-of-understanding only. I cannot ensure that they are 100% correct.

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