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Check Validity of my Emails

The Email Anti-phishing Feature I Invented

Hello there! I am Ken and this is the email anti-phishing feature I invented recently. You can check the validity of the emails sent by me or my server here.

Recently. I invented an anti-phishing feature for emails based on the inspirations of the certificates (with verification codes). This can help you to prevent phishing emails.

Your (recipient's) email address:
Unique code:
Common Errors:
  1. Do not inversely fill in your Email Address and Unique Code.
  2. Check your email address carefully (e.g. do not type ".com" as ".con")
Please Note:
  1. 6-digit verification code emails do not include unique codes.
  2. My website is "" ( previously). Please remember it firmly and avoid fake websites.
  3. There may be a difference between the time displayed (sent) and when you received your email (within several minutes). This is normal because email delivery might need to take several minutes.
  4. The time displayed here is the time zone on your device.
  5. The validity for each code is 90 days after the email was sent. You can check the validity of the email for many times during this period.
  6. If you have been forwarded my email by others, do not check its validity with your email address. Otherwise, it will display 'this email does not exist'. This is because my server only records the recipient's email addresses that the email was sent firstly.
  7. This feature only checks emails sent by my server (e.g. my newsletter, Ken's Study Planner account notice). My general emails do not have unique codes.