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Computer and Website

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I have strong computer skills. I can make computer programs and websites🖥️ using programming languages🧑🏻‍💻, edit media with Photoshop📸 or Premiere Pro🎞️.

I also do some research🔬 about Computer Science, including hardware💾, software programming📀, networking🔗, and photo/video editing.


In 2017, I have installed a PC by myself using some hardware.

Software Programming

I have started learning computer programming🧑🏻‍💻 since 2015, using Scratch, MIT App Inventor, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, MySQL, C, C++, Python, etc.

That's why I have made my website and Study Planner by myself.

Now, I am using computer programming🧑🏻‍💻 to solve many problems🛠️, such as study planning🗓️, instead of using some third-party apps📱.

<html>I am HTML</html> alert("I am JavaScript"); #i-am-css{ color: blue; } <?php echo "I am PHP"; ?> CREATE DATABASE `i_am_mysql`; cout << "I am C++" << endl; print("I am Python")


I am also fascinating to learn more about computer networking🔗, such as IP addresses, IPv6, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP 2, BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), FTP, Load-balancing, packets switching and circuits switching, and firewall.

I also discovered why the Internet has become slower due to the COVID-19 pandemic🦠, and how did Internet companies solve🛠️ this problem (e.g. add some extra servers🗃️ at different cities using load-balancing🖇️).

Three commands (ping, tracert/traceroute, nslookup) are used by myself to learn more🔬 about the Internet.

For example, after connecting to a public WiFi🔗, I can discover which ISP🔌 (e.g. China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom) does it use.

Finding out the ISP Used on the WiFi

Photo/Video Editing

Apart from making deep research about computer🖥️ itself, I use Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Pro to edit photos📸 and videos📽️.

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9 Skills Developed by Ken’s Study Journey Website | My Biggest Project
27 Apr. 2024
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