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I Got a Scholarship in IGCSE Oxbridge Summer School

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By: Ken Deng   Published on 1 Aug. 2021

Approx. 1400 words, 6 mins

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Hello there! My name is Ken and I am a Chinese senior high A Level student in Guangdong Country Garden School. Welcome to Ken's Study Journey website and blog!

Recently, I got a scholarship from the Oxbridge Summer School I have participated recently. This is the excellent result that I worked hard and strived.

In summer school, I always try my best to work hard. I also encourage and believe myself so I always have courage to achieve better results.

Chatting with my classmates is very important because we can exchange ideas and it can reduce my boredom.

Today, I am going to talk about this great news and tell you some secrets about how did I get it. Follow me!

Note: This article has been delayed for a few days after getting the prizes because I am busy preparing for the IELTS exam (especially speaking), but I want to tell you that studying is more important than writing articles.


I only publish articles if I have free time or in the day off. I am also very busy on studying, like other top students. That's why some articles are delayed.

You don't need to always check for new articles or the latest news on my website and other websites of technology companies like Apple and Microsoft. You should concentrate on studying.

I usually subscribe to their WeChat official accounts and email newsletters and they will notify me once they have released something new. You can subscribe to my email newsletter below if you are interested in.

The Scholarship and Prizes

The Oxbridge Summer School course is provided by Mirror Education. It has some scholarships at different levels according to the behaviour in the school and the test and/or interview results before. Its courses were amazing that helped me improve my thinking and practical skills.

Every school and education institute has its own algorithm to judge whether a student is excellent and whether he/she can obtain the scholarship and prizes.

In fact, I have been featured by Aipei English, TCTM Programming and Phoenix City International School between 2019 and 2020 as I studied hard. They have put my photo and descriptions on the walls. We usually say: No pains, no gains.

I have divided the awards of studying hard into 4 types: prize, certificate, share and feature. We can get any of these awards if we study hard.

Prize and certificate are the most common combination of awards. I got a huge prize and a certificate at the end of the summer school. This is the first time that I have got a scholarship so far.

Firstly, all people who studied hard and ranked the first got a small certificate card. It involves some words that can encourage us to get better results in the future.

Certificate from Mirror Education

A week later, I received a notification from the summer school that I was awarded the scholarship and asked for my credit card information. At the time I saw this message, I felt very excited and I was very proud of my hard work.

The prize involves 1,000 CNY and a free A Level online course.


You should always strive and study hard whether you got prizes and don't be pride.

There are always some opportunities for getting awards, so don't be discouraged if you didn't get prizes. You will probably be awarded if you strived one day in the future.

Strive and Struggle in the Class

During the class, we needed to work hard to get the results we want. We both need to listen carefully in the classroom and finish high-quality homework after school.

Listen Carefully

Every student should listen carefully in the classroom so they will never miss every word spoken by the teachers. Without this, we will not obtain some useful knowledge correctly.

We should bear all knowledge in our mind whether they are useful or not. The knowledge we learned in the class will be probably used one day in the future.

Taking notes is also very important even though you feel very tired. After class, you will be able to recall some important knowledge points in the class if you forgot them.

Finish High-quality Homework

We also need to finish each homework after class very carefully to make sure we obtained most of the knowledge teachers taught us today.

As we know, homework usually associates the knowledge in the class today. If you listen carefully in the class, you will do every part of the homework well.

Teachers usually evaluate student's effectiveness of studying by measuring the quality of the homework. This is because the homework reflects how much knowledge a student learned.

Also, some homework is directly related to the exams and interviews in the future even though they are very difficult. If we try to finish them strictly, we may pass exams or get higher ranks in competitions in the future. Practice makes perfect, so don't give up on some difficult tasks.

Think about the Knowledge Learned Along the Way

I also think about the knowledge I learned today along the way we commute between dormitory and classroom. This can also let me relax while studying. It can be an extra time to internalise the knowledge.

Some knowledge may be difficult for some students, but we will probably fully understand them one day based on our abilities.

Top students usually think about what they have learned and try to understand every knowledge point carefully while walking on the path on the school campus.

We can also parse the knowledge step by step by dividing a knowledge point into different parts. For example, a knowledge called Parser in the compiler was difficult to understand for me. However, I recalled the process again and again in my mind when I go to the dormitory. On the second day, I fully understood it.

Related Knowledge

Discover Knowledge in Real Life - My “Tradition” from 2019

Discovering🔍, applying🔬 and sharing📤 knowledge in real life can help me remember knowledge firmly, teach others and explain real-life phenomena.

This is my invented🌟 study tip in 2019 in middle school. It used to be available in WeChat Moments (among friends) only.

Since 2021, I started inserting knowledge, whether learned in middle school, high school or university, in Green Boxes in my articles📄.

Now, I want to talk about a Computer Science knowledge: Parser.

Parser is a component in the compiler. It changes the blocks in a code, such as variable names, numbers, strings, symbols and keywords, into a binary tree.

It organises 2 numbers and a symbol to perform calculations in the blankets first. This is similar to a Casio student calculator.


Don't give up if a knowledge is very difficult for you at first. Just make a research about how does it work. You will probably understand it one day later on.

Chat with Classmates

Chatting with classmates is also important because we can exchange our ideas and acquire more knowledge.

Different students study different subjects based on their interests, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics and business, and computer science.

I usually chat with my classmates such as Ringo Deng and Eason Li, discussing the knowledge we have learned today, and some news of Apple products to relax by the way.

We also discuss the quality or difficulty of the homework every day. This can encourage others to study better and effectively.

I always chat with them using English, so we can practice IELTS speaking and improve our English skills of each other.

Have Enough Sleep

Finally, I want to talk about having enough sleep is very important for every single student.

Sleeping can raise the spirit and we will be more energetic to study or work on the second day. Without sleeping, we will always feel very tired so the productivity will be low.

Teachers usually check the dorm room at 11:00 PM, but we sleep at 10:30 PM. The earlier we sleep, the more energy we will have. This summer school only allows top students to participate, so it was not affected by some students who lack study awareness.

I am an early riser because I always feel exuberant after getting up. This will allow me to have more time to study. I usually get up at 7:00 AM to remember English words and read books.


If you are not allowed to leave the dorm room before a specific time, you can do some study tasks you want inside it after getting up.

Studying is very important for all students. Different top students have different study strategies. So, no one can stop you from studying normally.

These are the scholarship I have got in the Oxbridge Summer School, and some techniques I studied well. I hope you can strive and get your prizes with my suggestions.

Once again, if you want to learn more about my study tips and techniques, you can subscribe to my email newsletter.

Alright! This is the end of the article. Thanks for reading.

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Still have questions or cannot understand my articles? Don't be hesitant to contact me and I am here to help you. I speak English and Chinese.


1. Related Knowledge displayed in this article is for ease-of-understanding only. I cannot ensure that they are 100% correct.

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