My University Daily Life

Dear Reader/Subscriber,

As my mid-term is over, Ken's Study Journey will release university-related content in the following weeks.

The university lesson types include:

  • Lecture 🧑‍🏫
  • Tutorial
  • Laboratory (Lab) 🧪

My Daily Life🕘 is posted on the website and you can click the button below to reveal.

More information, including articles and vlogs🎬, will be updated later.

My University Life > Typical Daily Life >

HKUST Bridge Link

Ken's Study Planner 2024 Brand Upgrade

Recently, one of my university friends proposed to open a university programming-related club.

However, the names "Ken’s Study Journey/Planner" are too personal to start a club.

For this reason, I have proposed, at the start of 2024:

  • Separating Ken’s Study Planner project from Ken’s Study Journey main website (;
  • Creating a new brand as a new mark replacing Ken’s Study Planner brand;
  • Opening for public collaboration (non-commercial; for the new brand).

Simply speaking, Ken’s Study Planner may be renamed in 2024 and will no longer be my personal project.

The new brand is now being designed and you can contact me to send me your ideas.

For more information, click the button below to view the notice.

View Notice >

“Collaboration for Beginners” Scheme

Due to historical reasons, Ken's Study Journey/Planner used to be my personal projects where collaboration is not allowed.

Ken’s Study Journey recently self-invented the “Collaboration for Beginners (零基础合作)” scheme, welcoming students with interests but without skills.

The Planner (new brand) will open for collaboration since 2024.

For more information, click the button below to visit the Collaboration page.

Learn More >

Technology isn’t Easy, Development is Busy

Due to complex logic, the release of Ken's Study Planner 4 and apps will be delayed (approximately on February 2024 for Planner 4).

Technologies, like websites, apps and mini-programs, have complex programming logic, algorithms, security and encryption measures behind.

Technology development takes time. Your patience will enhance the security, liability and user-friendliness of the modern technology development.

Ken’s Study Journey 5-year Anniversary

Ken’s Study Journey (previously my personal website) was established on 14 February 2019, with self-invented study techniques and technologies.

It is approaching its 5-year birthday on 14 February 2024 when the 5-year Anniversary Event will be held.

More information will be available on the website and email newsletter.

Academic Integrity Reminder

Recently, Ken’s Study Journey received commercial promotions🤑 of services related to academic misconduct❌ (e.g. Instagram followers promoting homework/essay writing📝 services).

Ken’s Study Journey strictly maintains academic integrity✨, using real effort to make results.

All related promotional followers and comments will be removed🗑️.

View Notice >

Academic Integrity Reminder Poster

About Me

Hello there! I am Ken, a student at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) (previously an A Level student).

In my free time, I share my study tips, habits, tools and school/campus life to help you be Productive, Diligent and Active.

I am from Guangzhou, China. I speak English and Chinese.

Have any questions or need help? Feel free to contact me and I am here to help you.