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7 Places and Environments to Study Faster and Productively

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By: Ken Deng   Published on 17 Jan. 2020 , Updated on 8 Apr. 2023

Approx. 1200 words, 5 mins

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In order to study📝 productively⏳, you need to find a comfortable🛋️ and quiet🔇 place. This can be a library🏢, café☕️, school🏫, and your home🏡.

To find🔍 a suitable place, you need to consider🤔 various conditions🌡️, including Internet (WiFi) access and speed🔗, lights💡, study and items storage space📦, charging ports🔋, relaxing music🎧, and so on.

My Ideal Study Environment

First let's talk about my Ideal✨ Study Environment first, which is similar to the Ideal Gas💨 in Physics⚛️.

Related Knowledge

Discover Knowledge in Real Life - My “Tradition” from 2019

Discovering🔍, applying🔬 and sharing📤 knowledge in real life can help me remember knowledge firmly, teach others and explain real-life phenomena.

This is my invented🌟 study tip in 2019 in middle school. It used to be available in WeChat Moments (among friends) only.

Since 2021, I started inserting knowledge, whether learned in middle school, high school or university, in Green Boxes in my articles📄.

Ideal Gas satisfies the equation pV=nRT=NkT=⅓Nm<c2> where R is a constant (8.31).

The molecules are perfectly elastic, hard⚖️, identical and always move randomly🔀, the volume of which is negligible and there are no❌ intermolecular forces🧲.

Physics (9702) Knowledge: Ideal Gas

Physics (9702) Knowledge: Ideal Gas

In 2022, I have made my Ideal Study Environment assumptions🛠️ where I can achieve perfect productivity🌟 while studying📝. For example,

  • 1. WiFi🔗 is Provided (Minimum Speed💨: 50 Mbps (6.25 MiB/s))
  • 2. Enough Lights💡 and Illumination
  • 3. Enough Places📦 to Put Items
  • 4. Electronic Devices💻 are Allowed✅
  • 5. Suitable Desk Height🪧 and Wide Desk
  • 6. Comfortable Chair/Sofa🛋️
  • 7. Has Charging🔋 Ports🔌
  • 8. Food🥙 and Drinks☕️ are Allowed
  • 9. Quiet🤫 (less than 70 dB)
  • 10. Zero Distraction📵, Boredom and Tiredness😴
  • 11. Versatile Decorations🌿
  • 12. Can Stay for a Long Time⏳
  • 13. Relaxing Music🎵🎧
  • 14. No Need to Purchase💷 Items to Stay Here
  • 15. Has Clocks🕘 and/or Timers⏳
  • 16. (New in 2023) Has Peer Pressure👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 (at least 1 other person here, including staff)

My Ideal Environment Assumptions

In this article, I will evaluate📋 different types of places with these criteria📄, including benefits🌟 and limitations🚧, and have sorted🔃 them based on my rankings🏆 in descending order.

Please note that different places may be slightly different⚠️. You can refer to the criteria when evaluating🔍 your places.

Did you Know?

In A Level exams, you may need to answer📝 the benefits🌟 and limitations🚧/drawbacks of something.

For example, in Computer Science (9618)🖥️, there were some relevant questions about Quantum Cryptography🔐, Packet/Circuit Switching🔗 and Virtual Machines.

1. Library 🏢

Library🏢 is my first choice because it is designed for studying and reading📖.

This place is suitable for tasks📝 that need to be done alone🧑‍🎓 and require focus📖 and concentration (i.e. distraction can significantly lower⬇️ productivity).


  • High-speed WiFi🔗 is Provided
  • Enough Light💡
  • Enough Places📦 to Put Items
  • Comfortable Desk and Chair🛋️
  • Has Charging🔋 Ports🔌
  • Quiet🤫 (about 45 dB) so Zero Distraction
  • Has Many Books📚 as Decorations
  • Can Stay for a Long Time⏳
  • No Need to Purchase💷 Items to Sit Here
  • Has a Lot of Peer Pressure👨‍👩‍👧‍👧


  • Food🥙 and Drinks☕️ Not Allowed🚫
  • Sometimes Difficult⚠️ to Find a Seat (except for school/college libraries)
Did you Know?

In Guangzhou Library🏢 (at Guangzhou city centre), I spent about 15 to 20 minutes🕘 to find an empty seat at the 2nd Floor after entering🚪 there.

- from my Guangzhou Library Vlog🎬

My Guangzhou Library Vlog

My Rating: 5/5

Study with Peer Pressure in Guangzhou Library

2. Café ☕️ and Tea Shop🍵

My second choice is café☕️ and tea shop🍵 which is suitable for energy-consuming🌟 tasks (e.g. STEP questions🧮, computer programming🧑🏻‍💻).


  • Enough Light💡
  • Enough Places📦 to Put Items
  • Comfortable Chair/Sofa🛋️
  • Has Charging🔋 Ports🔌
  • Food🥙 and Drinks☕️ Purchased to Boost Energy
  • Has Various Decorations🌿
  • Can Stay for a Long Time⏳
  • Music🎧 Provided
  • Has a Lot of Peer Pressure👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
  • Available✅ almost Everywhere🗺️ and can be Enjoyed Nearby📍


  • Sometimes WiFi🔗 can be Slow (due to many users)
  • Sometimes Desks can be Narrow
  • Sometimes Noisy🔊 due to Discussion
  • Need to Purchase💷 Food/Drinks to Sit Here

My Rating: 5/5

Starbucks Coffee; Guangzhou Books Centre CHALI Tea Shop

3. School (Self-study Rooms) 🏫

Some schools🏫 have self-study roms which is the environment designed🪄 for studying📝.


  • WiFi🔗 is Provided
  • Enough Light💡
  • Enough Places📦 to Put Items
  • Comfortable Desk and Chair🛋️
  • Quiet🤫 (about 50-70 dB)
  • Has Various Decorations🌿
  • Clocks🕘 Provided
  • Has a Lot of Peer Pressure👨‍👩‍👧‍👧


  • Sometimes Electronic Devices may be Restricted📵
  • Fixed Schedule🗓️ so Tasks may be Stopped at Any Time⌛️

My Rating: 5/5

Preparing for A Level Exams While Staying at School

Preparing for A Level Exams While Staying at School

4. Home🏡

The next place I recommend is at home🏠 which is customisable🪄.

It is suitable for tasks need to be done in an isolated🛡️ environment, like online lessons with microphone🎤 enabled and recording audio🎧.


  • Has Dedicated High-speed WiFi🔗 and Broadband
  • Enough Light💡
  • Enough Places📦 to Put Items
  • Comfortable Desk and Chair🛋️
  • Has Charging🔋 Ports🔌
  • Has Food🥙 and Drinks☕️ to Boost Energy
  • Quiet🤫 (about 45-60 dB) so Zero Distraction
  • Various Decorations🌿 can be Installed
  • Can Stay for a Long Time⏳
  • Music🎧 can be Played
  • Clocks🕘 can be Installed


  • Sometimes may Feel Bored😴 and Lack Motivation
  • Can be Interrupted🚧 by Family at Any Time⏰
  • No Peer Pressure👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

My Bedroom Tour

My Rating: 5/5

My Home Study Environment

5. Restaurants 🍽️

If you want to utilise your free time⏳, you can also study in a restaurant🍽️ while waiting for food.


  • Enough Light💡
  • Enough Places📦 to Put Items
  • Comfortable Desk and Chair🛋️
  • Sometimes has Charging🔋 Ports🔌
  • Food🥙 and Drinks☕️ Purchased to Boost Energy
  • Has Various Decorations🌿
  • Music🎧 Provided
  • Sometimes has Peer Pressure👨‍👩‍👧‍👧


  • Sometimes WiFi🔗 may be Unavailable
  • Sometimes Noisy🔊 due to Discussion
  • Food🥙 may Arrive and so Tasks may be Stopped at Any Time⌛️

My Rating: 4/5

Western Restaurant in Shamian, Guangzhou

Western Restaurant in Shamian, Guangzhou

6. Transportation 🚊

The next one is transportation🚊 as you can utilise your free time⏳ while travelling.


  • Sometimes has Charging🔋 Ports🔌
  • Scenery Outside Window Provides Decorations🌿
  • Has a Lot of Peer Pressure👨‍👩‍👧‍👧


  • WiFi🔗 may Not be Available
  • May Not have Enough Light💡
  • May Not have Enough Places📦 to Put Items
  • Desk and Chair🛋️ may be Narrow or Desks may be Unavailable
  • Sometimes Noisy🔊 due to Friction of Cars
  • Sometimes Electronic Devices may be Restricted📵 (e.g. on some airlines)
  • May Arrive and so Tasks may be Stopped at Any Time⌛️

Tasks to Do in Transportation

My Rating: 3/5

Guangzhou BRT and Metro

7. Park ⛲️

Park⛲️ is also a place to study📝 and enjoy the natural scenery🌲, sound🍃 and decorations🌈.

You can read books or articles📖 and remember flashcards📒 while sitting on the seat🛋️ along the roads.


  • Enough Natural Light💡
  • Food🥙 and Drinks☕️ Allowed to Boost Energy
  • Quiet🤫 (about 45-60 dB) so Zero Distraction
  • Natural Scenery provides Decorations🌿
  • Can Stay for a Long Time⏳
  • Natural Sound provides 'Music'🎧
  • Sometimes has Peer Pressure👨‍👩‍👧‍👧


  • WiFi🔗 may be Unavailable
  • May Not have Places📦 to Put Items
  • Desk and Chair🛋️ may be Unavailable
  • Charging🔋 Ports🔌 may be Unavailable

The trees🌲 can provide oxygen (O2) so you can enjoy the fresh air💨 directly from the nature.

Related Knowledge

Discover Knowledge in Real Life - My “Tradition” from 2019

Discovering🔍, applying🔬 and sharing📤 knowledge in real life can help me remember knowledge firmly, teach others and explain real-life phenomena.

This is my invented🌟 study tip in 2019 in middle school. It used to be available in WeChat Moments (among friends) only.

Since 2021, I started inserting knowledge, whether learned in middle school, high school or university, in Green Boxes in my articles📄.

Now let's talk about relevant IGCSE Chemistry (0620) knowledge: Photosynthesis.

Trees🌲 in the park can absorb📥 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)🌬️ and release📤 Oxygen (O2)💨 to provide fresh air.

6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Chemistry (0620) Knowledge: Photosynthesis

Chemistry (0620) Knowledge: Photosynthesis

My Rating: 3/5

Zhujiang New Town and Shamian, Guangzhou

Explore More Study Tips

These are the 7 types of places to study📝 productively and even utilise your free time⏳. Hope you can boost🌟 your efficiency in the places you enjoy.

More useful study techniques🛠️ and habits📝 are available on my website. You can Explore More Study Tips if you want.

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1. Related Knowledge displayed in this article is for ease-of-understanding only. I cannot ensure that they are 100% correct.

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