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IPv6 is a new type of Internet technology and is now included in the Cambridge IGCSE and A Level Computer Science syllabuses.
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I have set my explicit study plan, daily and final goals, that allows me to check my study progress and whether I have achieved them.
Now, it's your turn! You need to set your study plan, daily goals and final goals. This will motivate yourself to study towards your aims.
You can write them on a paper or notebook, and then check your daily goals every evening.
See my Plan/GoalsAs low as possible firstly. Improve them afterwards.
Daily Goals:
Final Goals (2022):
Is your study space or room look messy?
You need to organise your materials using your folders. Use one folder per subject.
With subject folders, you can organise your paper materials and make room for your study tasks.
You need to make a list of your upcoming exams, competitions, projects, and activities. Write down their dates as well.
Then, prepare for your exams and competitions to get outstanding results.
You can write them down on a paper, record them on Calendar or planner.
With an item checklist, you can prepare and check the things you need to take. It will help you memorise your items like your pencil case, ensuring you have everthing you need for studying and working.
It usually involves the things to take to school, institutes of extra curriculum at weekends, and while travelling. You can add some routines of your morning and evening as well.
Ken's Study Planner integrated daily goals checklist, events manager, and checklists.
You can record your daily goals, upcoming events, and checklists in it.
You also can see your status on the home page, including days left until your next event.
Sign upThe daily tasks list combines a number of to-do lists in different time points.
You can arrange tomorrow's tasks list in today evening before sleeping so you will not have hesitation about your tasks.
The tasks list will help you do the right things and focus on your tasks and while studying.
This will significantly boost your productivity as you will not need to think about them.
You can create 2 notes (daily tasks list and tasks pool) and put your tasks using a notes app, like Apple Notes, Microsoft OneNote and EverNote, or write them on a paper.
Learn MoreI invent, create and/or cite some new study tips based on my situations. My website always publishes my new study strategies.
I also write some articles about my study routine, habits, and news in my free time.
By the way, I also use top banners and encouraging words on my website during (I)GCSE and A Level exam seasons so that you can create motivations to study.
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Have any questions or need help? feel free to contact me. I am here for you!
Enjoy my website!